Office work can take its toll on the fittest body. Long hours sitting hunched over a computer can cause neck and lower back pain, sore shoulders, stiff hips, sore arms and wrists, and trigger headaches and migraines.
Physiotherapy and remedial massage can help you work without pain. If your injury means that you are currently off work, we can help you quickly and safely return to work.
Our experienced physiotherapists will work with you to relieve your symptoms, as well as identify the underlying causes of the pain or injury.
Treatment includes a range of hands-on manual therapies, as well as ergonomic advice, strengthening and stretching exercises, and tactics for ongoing health and wellbeing.
Accidents such as slips, trips and falls, or manual handling injuries in the workplace may give rise to claims under WorkCover.
Queen Street Physiotherapy is experienced in treating and managing claims under WorkCover, ensuring a safe and effective return to work.
To claim your physiotherapy under WorkCover, you must have notified your employer of the workplace incident, been reviewed by your GP and have a referral to a physiotherapist.